Contact the office at (206) 878-8709, ext. 207 or Holli Neigel, Religious Education Director.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) or the Catechumenate is the process by which adults become members of the Catholic Faith. We invite both non-baptized adults and those baptized in another Christian faith into this process. It takes place in stages and is concerned with the total formation of the person in the doctrine, liturgy, apostolic work, and Christian living. This gradual development culminates in the celebration of the Initiation Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation at Easter.
Order of Christian Initiation of Children (OCIC) or the Catechumenate is the process by which children 7 years and older become members of the Catholic Faith. We invite both non-baptized children and those baptized in another Christian faith into this process. It takes place in stages and is concerned with the total formation of the person in the doctrine, liturgy, apostolic work, and Christian living. This gradual development culminates in the celebration of the Initiation Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation at Easter.
Christian Initiation of Adults and Children (8 and older) is a process designed for those seeking to inquire into the Catholic faith. The process involves:
Pre-Catechumenate (Inquiry) This is a time of no fixed duration for those seeking an introduction to the Catholic Faith and Gospel values. It is a time to ask questions about God, Christ, the Church, its structure and teachings.
Catechumenate This is the major time for formation—a time for nurturing the growth of faith and conversion to God. It may last up to one year for those who are not baptized.
Purification and Enlightenment (Lent) This is the time immediately preceding initiation, coinciding usually with the season of Lent. It is a time of reflection, marked by celebration of certain rites helping to prepare a person for the sacraments of initiation.
Celebration of the Sacraments For those who are not baptized, this is the rite, normally celebrated at the Easter Vigil, whereby a person is initiated through receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist.
Mystagogy This is the time, usually the Easter season, during which the newly initiated experience being fully a part of the Christian community through participation in the Sunday Eucharist, and through reflection on the experience of receiving the sacraments.
What if I am already a baptized Christian? The baptized Christian will receive both doctrinal and spiritual preparation according to his/her individual need. Much of the process may resemble that for the non-baptized, but its duration may be shorter. The Order of Reception into Full Communion may be celebrated at any time of the year. |