St. Philomena Parish, Des Moines, WA

Preparing for Lent

This Week: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are the Roman Catholic Faith Community of St. Philomena, called to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our celebrating and praying together, through our support of the faith development of each member and through our compassionate service and care for one another and the world. We do this because of our commitment to our faith, our hope in the reign of God and our love of God and neighbor.

Jubilee 2025
The Vatican
The Holy See
Archdiocese of Seattle
Archdiocese of Seattle

Saturday Vigil, 5:30pm; Sunday, 8:30am, 10:30am, Misa en Español 1pm, 5pm

Saturday Vigil, 5pm; Domingo Misa en Español, 8:30am, Sunday 10:30am

For our full schedule including Confession/Horas Para Confesión click HERE.

Parish Registration Form

Annual Catholic Appeal for St. Philomena

• Goal: $84,569.00
• Pledges and payments received (Jan 13): $63,112.00
• % of goal (Jan 13): 75%
• Donor Participation %: 6%
This also includes the $6,000 from the Hispanic community
food sale in December.
(increase since Nov 4: $10,904)
Remainder owed: $21,457

For the time being during staff transition, please send all bulletin-related items to Myla at [email protected].
• Deadline for bulleting inserts is the preceding Monday by 3pm. Inserts are subject to approval.
• Deadline to include names for Mass Intentions is three Fridays before the date of the intention.

1790 South 222nd Street, Des Moines WA 98198 | Phone (206) 878-8709 | Fax (206) 824-3480 | contact webmaster