St. Philomena Parish, Des Moines, WA

Parish Leadership Groups

*Please call the office at (206) 878-8709 to reach any of the contact people listed below.


Finance Council: Mark Hunt


Coffee and Donuts (8:30 and 10:30 Masses): Contact - Parish Office
Coffee, donuts and other goodies after both morning masses; a time for fellowship and getting to know others.
Catholics Come Home: Contact - Jim Sammon
A program to welcome home Catholics who have left the church and want to come back into full communion.
Northern Marianas Church Group: Contact - Mary Torres
Pacific Islander group involved in fundraising for different projects around the church.


Parish Office Support: Contact - Isabel Gomez
Assisting in the parish office when staff are on vacation or in staff meetings with various office tasks, such as filing, computers, telephones, etc.
Bulletin Stuffers:
Contact - Parish Office
Each Friday morning assist with stuffing inserts into the parish bulletin.
Knights of Columbus: Contact - Rainier Reyes, Grand Knight
A service organization within St. Philomena; fundraising, contribute to evangelization efforts, financially support seminarians, provide volunteer work in the parish and spiritually encourage one another.
Outreach Ministry:
Contact - Joyce Thompson and Claire Navarre
Assist with set up, serving and clean up at funerals at St. Philomena.
Counting the weekly offering each Monday morning.


Perpetual Adoration: Contact - Virgil
Taking one hour out of a busy schedule to spend with the Lord, either in prayer, meditation, spiritual reading, reflection, or just being quiet and letting the Lord speak to you. Chapel is open 24 hours, except during Mass times.
Legion of Mary:
Contact - Delores Rybacki
Meet every Thursday at 3:30pm for reciting the Rosary and planning meeting. Members do two hours of active work each week, visiting the homebound and inactive Catholics.
Women's Bible Study:
Contact -
Meet each Wednesday evening for Bible Study or a study of a topic related to the Catholic faith, ie, changes in the Mass.
Contact - Delores Rybacki
Meet monthly to discuss at topic from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.


Liturgical: Contact persons - Deacon Jerry Graddon
Sacristan: Responsible for the set up for daily, Sunday and holy day Masses.
Eucharistics Ministers: Assist in distribution of bread and wine at Mass.
Lector: Responsible for proclaiming the Word of God and Prayers of the Faithful at Mass; workbooks provided
Minister of Hospitality/Greeter: Provide a welcoming environment, take up the collection, see that the offertory gifts are brought to the altar, pass out weekly bulletins, and assist with various situations that may arise.
Altar Servers: School-age children who have received their First Communion; assisting the priest during the Mass.
5:30 pm Mass Saturday: James Middaugh, organist and choir director
8:30 am Mass Sunday: James Middaugh, organist and choir director
10:30 am Mass Sunday: James Middaugh, organist and choir director
1:00 pm Spanish Mass Sunday: Eduardo Ramirez, Spanish language music director


Eucharistic Outreach Ministry: Contact person - Deacon Jerry Graddon
Taking communion to the homebound and to those in the nursing and assisted living homes. There is a quarterly communion service in the nursing homes.
Each Friday one group delivers homemade sandwiches for an evening meal to the homeless men at St. Martin de Porres Shelter in Seattle. Volunteers make the sandwiches and bring them to the parish to be delivered.
Pregnancy Aid: Contact person - Jo Brosamer
Assist families with infants and young children with layettes, clothing, toys, car seats and other baby items.
Des Moines Food Bank: Contact person - Mike Adams
Assist families and individuals with food items at the Des Moines United Methodist Church.


Baptism Facilitator (English): Contact person - Jo Brosamer
Classes for English speaking families preparing for baptism in the church.
Baptism Facilitator (Spanish): Contact person - Saul Duran
Classes for Spanish speaking families preparing for baptism in the church.
OCIA and OCIC: Contact person - Holli Neigel
OCIA classes (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation) for those preparing to enter the church at the Easter Vigil.


Teen Confirmation Team:
Preparing teens for confirmation
Sacramental Prep and CCD: Contact person - Holli Neigel
Preparing children for reception of First Reconciliation and First Communion; religious education classes are 1 through 6.
Youth Group/Ministry: Contact person - Carina Schoen
Group comprises both junior and senior high school youth from public, private school and home-schooled children. Meet on a regular basis during the school year. Activities include guest speakers, assisting at parish functions, a convention in November and Junior High Rally in March.
Vacation Bible School: Contact person - Hollie Neigel
CYO Commission: Contact person - Amy McDonough


Wedding Coordinator (English): Contact person - Sue Swart
(Spanish): Contact person - Isabel Gomez
XV Anos: Contact person - Isabel Gomez


Contact persons - Derrin Walter

1790 South 222nd Street, Des Moines WA 98198 | Phone (206) 878-8709 | Fax (206) 824-3480 | contact webmaster